What is the difference between just creating content and creating direct response funnels? How should you build out a B2B content strategy? How does keyword cannibalism come into play? You need to create an environment for SEO to flourish paired with powerful content. How do you do that?

In this episode of Content Callout, Aaron Orendorff—The VP of Marketing at Common Thread Collective—shares a simple and effective way to immediately boost your rankings, build better content, and keep your brand relevant. 

Outline of This Episode [2:31] 3 ways to instantly change your results [5:24] They KEY to Aaron’s popularity [9:12] Creating content OR direct response funnels [15:13] What in the world is offloading aggressively? [19:51] How to know when Upwork is working [21:36] SEO cannibalism: the full discussion [27:06] The intersection of “Content is King” and Video  [31:57] How to connect with Aaron Orendorff Resources & People Mentioned Supermetrics Upwork Connect with Aaron Orendorff Common Thread Collective iconiContent Follow on Twitter Connect on LinkedIn Connect With the Content Callout Team https://ContentCallout.com

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