Christoph Trappe is a brilliant content marketer at the top of his game. He recently published a great book called “Content Performance Culture,” which I love. In this episode of Content Callout, we talk about the power of voice, podcasting, video, and how brands can take advantage of content and make a bigger impact than they are right now. 

Outline of This Episode [1:16] The biggest mistakes marketing professionals make with content [4:10] Where to start on your content journey [10:18] Is the podcast market becoming oversaturated?  [13:47] What traits make for a good podcast host?  [20:38] How AI impacts search results and content [24:15] Define your audience and what makes you unique  [26:23] How to connect with Christoph and get his book Resources & People Mentioned Christoph’s book: Content Performance Culture Connect with Christoph Trappe Voxpopme Christoph’s blog: Authentic Storytelling The Business Storytelling podcast Connect on LinkedIn Follow on Twitter Connect With the Content Callout Team 

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