In this episode you will be introduced to one of our featured event speakers Henric Smolak.

Henric Smolak has been passionate about changing the media landscape since his first startup Qulart who wanted to create a new way to discover content in a personalized media platform which recommended you the best available content on the web. His next journey has been with the content recommendation platform Strossle which has become one of the biggest in Europe. Strossle has 10 offices in Europe and serves over 3 billion content recommendations every month. Strossle aims to become the the publisher’s best friend and a top of the line distribution platform for both publishers and brands. Henric is an evangelist in Content Marketing and Native Advertising and is fighting for a brighter future for the industry. He believes in a digital climate which is qualitative both for the users, publishers and brand and believes that the Internet today has become a giant Times Square where everyone tries to steal your attention. Henric also hosts Sweden’s biggest tech podcast, is a course leader in Digital Media and Content Marketing and is a frequently hired Keynote speaker internationally. Henric is a member of the board in IAB’s Native Task Force in the Nordics.

Be sure to check out Henric´s podcast Under Femton