Megan McFeely is the Director/Producer, of the award winning film, As She Is. Megan follows the inner path of Sufism and has been on a journey towards what is natural, essential and authentic for most of her life. The question, "Who are we as human beings from the inside of ourselves?" has been at the center of her inquiry. Megan spent more than 25 years providing strategic communications counsel for media and technology companies, authors and non-profit organizations. She has experience telling stories on all media platforms — Internet, broadcast, public and cable television, print and radio. The film As She Is, was first screened at the Library of Alexandria in Egypt to 200 women activists from 20 different nations, and it won best debut documentary at the Female Eye Film Festival in Toronto in 2016. Since then the film has been screened in more than 30 countries and is now available in French and soon in Arabic and other languages.The intention Megan set for this film was, “to help us remember that there is another way of being, knowing and relating that is equally important as our externally focused, drive oriented culture.” She shared this beautiful intention, “We want to inspire a re-connection with and respect for the feminine aspect of ourselves so we can bring much needed balance into the world. Each person will have their own journey to reclaim this inner relationship but I hope this film will touch a familiar place inside which knows the value of intuition and creative inspiration, respects our bodily knowing, remembers that we are connected to all of life, trusts the mystery and feels empowered to act from this place." Megan is now beginning work on new project about the POWER OF LOVE. You can stream or purchase a DVD of the film through her website,  In this episode, Megan shares the powerful story of her journey to reclaim the hidden parts of the Feminine, after spending years in the corporate world where the feminine wasn't part of the landscape. She talks about holding a container for herself to transform, and how for her, that was posing this question, "What is being asked of me?" She shares how that led to discomfort, and to deep healing work with the archetypes, or, "sitting in the fire of your own wounds," as the alchemy of transformation.

Visit Megan's website here 

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