When everything appears nice and pleasant and comfortable, it’s tough to walk away. As the boiling frog metaphor illustrates, we might not notice we are in trouble until it’s too late. At this moment on the Earth it is important to pay attention to who, what and where you might be giving away parts of yourself to by playing nice. Truly now is the time to stop pretending pleasantville is a good place to live. Valuing your own inner standing and knowing of what distortions are playing out very subtly in your life.

Deepen your superpower of noticing. As we step into the Solstice, what traditions and customs in general are chipping away at the solidity of you. Realigning yourself so no more wedges and cracks are created in the rock of you. The episode concludes with a creative visualization meditation to help you be more impeccable and heart centred in what you are choosing. As embodied pure love you are a sanctuary for others, without ever needing to give a chip of yourself away.

Offered with love. Visit the showpage for info on all episodes https://www.artthatmoves.ca/podcasts/