Main Points: Men, The Masculine, Fear, Rejection, Relationships, Toxic Masculinity, Emotional Capacity


Sam Gibbs Morris is a leader at the intersection of men’s work, psychedelics, yogic leadership, and spirituality. He is a speaker, spiritual teacher, psychedelic medicine and breathwork facilitator, and a men's conscious relationship coach, He is also the founder of Transcnd Breathwork.

Sam has aligned his purpose with his innate gifts; creating safe and nurturing space for men to heal and expand their conscious masculine awareness.


Sam has worked with over 2,000 men to guide them home to their core and reconnect with their self-worth, cultivate self-trust, and truly become an unwavering presence in their lives and their relationships.

Key topics include: 

⭐️ Coping with the Fear of Rejection by Creating Rejectionable Things In Relationships 

⭐️ The Familiar Hell of Victimhood Vs. The Unfamiliar Heaven of Taking the Responsibility  

⭐️ The Uninitiated Masculine as Opposed to the Dehumanizing Term of Toxic Masculinity

⭐️ The Unaddressed Pain That Causes Behaviour That’s Out of Alignment

⭐️ The Societal Conditioning of Men To Be Strong and Numb  Their Emotions   

⭐️ The Traits Of a Man Who Goes From Uninitiated to Initiated Masculinity 

⭐️ Committing to Stay Engaged Past The Entry Point to Initiation  

⭐️ Meeting Oneself Ever More Deeply To Create Trust, Wisdom and Freedom   

⭐️ Bringing The Exiled Parts of Ourselves Back in Our Hearts To Really Heal Them  

⭐️ Expanding Our Emotional Capacity to Feel What’s Present For Us and Others  

⭐️ The Misconceptions in Society that Masculine Men Are Unsafe


Connect With David - The Authentic Man:




For Coaching: [email protected] 


Making Anxious Avoidant Relationships Work - Tues, May 7, 2024, at 7:30 PM =

Connect With Sam Giggs Morris:


