Main Topics: Relationship Chemistry, Sexual Shame, Love, Relationships, Avoidance, Successful Woman, Divine Union

Erika Straub is a therapist turned spiritual entrepreneur and SELF development mentor. With a BA and MA in Archetypal and Depth Psychology, Erika guides women on the journey to SELF actualization and sacred partnership. She believes to form your true SELF; not from what you received, but from what you dismantled, is the spiritual path to healing trauma and returning to love. She helps women transmute fear into fulfilment and satisfaction, embrace vulnerability and responsibility, and learn to live and love directly and intimately.



Key topics include: 

⭐️ What It’s Like To Be A Successful Woman & Why That Can Be Intimidating To Men

⭐️ Dissolving The Competitiveness And Anger Towards Men by Being Vulnerable

⭐️ Why We Struggle to Find Love And Often Attract The Wrong People

⭐️ Finding The Right Partner by Balancing Our Masculine And Feminine Energy 

⭐️ Building Strong & Authentic Relationships Through Self-Integration

⭐️ Healing Sexual Shame And Purifying Desire For Deeper Connections 

⭐️ What Is The Secret to Having Real Soul Chemistry And Building Lasting Love

⭐️ The Importance of Building Foundational Relational Skills For Healthy Relationships

⭐️ Why Inner Work And Healing Is Necessary to Connect To Our Self-Worth 

⭐️ Reclaiming Anger And Respecting Your Needs And Desires As A Woman 

⭐️ Why Expressing Your Truth With Love Is Essential To Your Sense of Self

Connect With David - The Authentic Man:




For Coaching: [email protected] 



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