I asked him 10 questions, and he was only allowed to speak for 3 minutes on each one.  He was under pressure, but as always produced concise, common sense and useable answers.  The questions were;

Why do (some) people still feel intimidated by regular gyms, and where are we getting it wrong?Do Superfoods really exist?The best 6 exercises for building muscle mass?Supplements - Overrated or Underrated?Is Cardio going to damage my gains?How do I manage my nutrition?  Why can't I seem to get it right?If I'm 50+ years of age, how many times a week should I train and what should I do?Machines Vs Free Weights.  Which is best?Should my teenager join a gym?Does Intermittent Fasting work for all?

Enjoy the Episode.

Follow Craig on Facebook and @whiteboardlessons.

His Podcast is THE YOU PROJECT

Website: www.craigharper.net