As federal government agencies are trying to determine the extent of and recover from recent data breaches, IT professionals need to realize that data policies, governance and IT must be continually monitored and updated. Tightening security features around applications, technologies, and networking infrastructure is even more important when coupled with the accelerated transition to remote and hybrid work environments, brought on by the pandemic. It has been unavoidable for agencies to reevaluate their technology needs and furthering IT modernization through the Cloud. As the boundaries of an agency’s IT are expanded from the cloud to the edge, there is an ever-increasing need for the broadest set of visibility, control, and security functions at the cloud edge.

Join us for this panel, which sets out to discuss how advancements in the federal cloud space, mobility and distributed workforces have driven the focal point for security to shift. Topic experts will discuss lessons learned in successfully implementing cloud methodologies, tools, and techniques in a time of continuous change and telework. Together, panelists explore available and desired solutions to rectify past and pre-empt potential future data breaches, as both citizens and the government agencies serving them embrace “the new normal”.