This week on the ATARC DevSecOps Coffee Chat, we have the pleasure of speaking with the Director of System Configuration & Delivery Automation Division at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Spence Spencer. Spencer shares his experience and insights on leading a team and putting people first! Below is his list of book suggestions. Check out this episode to learn more!

Reading List:

Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek (current read)

The Open Organization, Jim Whitehurst (CEO Red Hat)

Turn the Ship Around, L. David Marquet

Out of The Crisis, W. Edwards Deming

Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement, William Scherkenbach

The Goal, Elihu Goldratt

DevOps Handbook, Gene Kim et. al.

The Phoenix Project, Gene Kim et. al.

The Art of Capacity Planning, John Allspaw