In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan talk about the end of your Professional Development Cycle.  We spent a ton of time creating our workshops and making sure they are perfect. But, what happens after the workshop.

Today, we will take a look at a variety of uses for our Workshop Feedback Forms. Learn how to create meaningful feedback that is helpful to both your Tech Coaching program and your district and curricular roadmaps for future planning.
In this episode, we discuss:
Reflections from Last Week:

How To Come Back To Reality After A Conference


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The TeacherCast Instructional Coaches Network, is a dynamic Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches.

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In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan talk about the end of your Professional Development Cycle.  We spent a ton of time creating our workshops and making sure they are perfect. But, what happens after the workshop.

Today, we will take a look at a variety of uses for our Workshop Feedback Forms. Learn how to create meaningful feedback that is helpful to both your Tech Coaching program and your district and curricular roadmaps for future planning.
In this episode, we discuss:
Reflections from Last Week:

How To Come Back To Reality After A Conference


Join the TeacherCast Instructional Coaches Network!

Are you a Tech Coach or looking to become one this year?
Are you searching for support in your position?

The TeacherCast Instructional Coaches Network, is a dynamic Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches.

3 Distinct Professional Learning Networks designed to help you grow for network other Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders
Free Downloadable Templates and Coaching Resources that can be used in your district ... tomorrow!
Direct access to Jeff Bradbury and all of​f his "offline" content that he creates during the school year.
Exclusive TeacherCast and "Ask the Tech Coach" podcast episodes directly relating to the questions that YOU ASK in our PLN groups.
Weekly email check-ins to stay connected and discuss your Instructional Coaching program!
Monthly invitations to TeacherCast Instructional Coaching Meetings and Webinars
... and more!


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Do You Have a Question For Us?
Twitter: @AskTheTechCoach
Email: [email protected] 

How To Gather Feedback From Your Professional Development Sessions
Why is it important to gather feedback?

Get a feel for where your attendees are either before or after a session
Figure out where to go next with a particular group or individual
For your own personal reflection as a coach to determine how the session went and if it was successful

How do you gather feedback?

Watching faces, body language, verbal comments from group/individuals during the sessions - This will tell you a lot about if they are “getting it”
Beginning of year Professional Learning Feedback form - Sample from Susan
Exit Slip - Paper or digital - Much like we do with students in the classroom at the end of a lesson, why not use exit slips with teachers in a PD session? - Sample from Susan
Parking Lot - Paper or digital - teachers have the ability to place questions, comments, concerns on a paper or digital area 
End of Year/Term/Semester Feedback Form - Sample from Susan
Follow Up Discussions - Verbal and using a school/local hashtag on Social Media through a FB group or Twitter Chat, learning management system, etc.

What types of questions do you ask on feedback forms?

How has the session been beneficial?
Have they had ample opportunity through the year for the training they need?
From George Couros and included and referenced in my sample Exit Slip- “Two Questions to Ask At the End of a Professional Learning Day-

What did you learn today?
How Will your students know and benefit?

Other exit slip questions 

Name 1 new skill or idea you learned today you will try in your classroom within the next month.
Name 1 thing you would like to learn more about from today’s topic.

What other training on tools or concepts would they like to have in future sessions?

Applications to help you gather feedback?

Slido - during a presentation to gather feedback

What do you do after you receive survey results?


Use the I DO-WE DO-YOU DO approach to encourage teachers to try the skill after watching the tech coach model it, then collaborate on a lesson together, then have the teacher do it for themselves to gain confidence

This is a huge component of follow up whether it is from a large group PD session or a one on one/small group - continue the learning with Job-Embedded PD 

Does feedback really do anything to your PD sessions?

Use the feedback you are given. Don’t just ask for it and then let it sit. Tailor your coaching to individuals and make them feel that they have a voice and part in their own learning as you give them what they need.

Do you share the feedback with anyone?
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Ask the Tech Coach Podcast | @AsktheTechCoach

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Jeff Bradbury | @JeffBradbury
Susan Vincentz | @SV314dws 


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Host: Jeff Bradbury @TeacherCast | @JeffBradbury
Email: [email protected]
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