In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan discuss several ways that Tech Coaches can build their Tech Coach Brands.
In this episode, we discuss:
Reflections from Last Week:

How to create a Post PD Workshop Survey

Tech Coach Mastermind

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Do You Have a Question For Us?
Twitter: @AskTheTechCoach
Email: [email protected] 

How are you building your tech coach brand?

How do I, as a coach, want to be known?
What do I want to be known for or known as?

Am I the Google lady? Am I the Microsoft Guru? Am I the BreakoutEDU lady, etc., etc.? 

What do your teachers or administrators say about you when you enter the room or get introduced at a staff meeting?
Have a niche, know your staff (avatars as Jeff refers to) and what they need and what you can offer them.
Make it about your “client” - the teachers you work with - find something that will make what they already are doing easier or more efficient.
 Don’t be afraid to make connections with vendors for products that you use and promote as a tech coach to your...

In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan discuss several ways that Tech Coaches can build their Tech Coach Brands.
In this episode, we discuss:
Reflections from Last Week:

How to create a Post PD Workshop Survey

Tech Coach Mastermind

Join the Tech Coach Mastermind and learn how to help your school district today!

2 Mastermind group meetings each month
Lifetime access to our Tech Coach Online Community
Free Lesson Plans
Free Templates
Much Much More


Do You Have a Question For Us?
Twitter: @AskTheTechCoach
Email: [email protected] 

How are you building your tech coach brand?

How do I, as a coach, want to be known?
What do I want to be known for or known as?

Am I the Google lady? Am I the Microsoft Guru? Am I the BreakoutEDU lady, etc., etc.? 

What do your teachers or administrators say about you when you enter the room or get introduced at a staff meeting?
Have a niche, know your staff (avatars as Jeff refers to) and what they need and what you can offer them.
Make it about your “client” - the teachers you work with - find something that will make what they already are doing easier or more efficient.
 Don’t be afraid to make connections with vendors for products that you use and promote as a tech coach to your teachers.
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, it’s not bragging - It is letting people know how you can help and where they can go to find help.

Ways to build the brand?

Tech Coach Website - What is on it?

Be intentional about having your teacher visit your site. Make it hub that you direct them to with personal follow later
Susan’s Example

Video Tutorials/YouTube Channel

Personal video vs. self-made general tutorial
Susan’s YouTube Channel Example

Social Media

Use of private group to encourage all teachers in your building/district to share good things going on

Newsletter, “Potty PD” or variation


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Susan Vincentz | @SV314dws 


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Email: [email protected]
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