birthdays/events ROLAND
will you say something if someone cuts a line?
word of the day
game: what year was it?
pickleball is so last year
do you think we're all in catch 22 with people who don't seem to want to work...but then complain that every place is short staffed?
game: mindtrap
red flags that your food is 'ultra-processed'
a couple said their dog ate $4,000 in cash!
game: I should have known that
how emotionally secure are you?
goodbye/fun facts....National Bird Day...Birds are often considered living links to the past, being the closest-related animals to the evolution of dinosaurs....every state in our union has a designated state bird. The Birds of America, created by John James Audubon, is just as much a work of art as it is a work of scientific mastery....nearly 12 percent of the world's almost 10,000 bird species are in danger of extinction. the phrase “canary in the coal mine” was named after birds for a reason—they’re the barometers of our planet’s environmental health. you can watch all kinds of videos about birds...or you can even build a bird santcuary in your own yard...If you’ve got some trail mix you don’t want anymore, birds would love you.