most popular dog breeds (forbes survey) and which states spoil their dogs the most
word of the day
 many people got brand new phones for the holidays...and several have already broken them?
ashley and brad play "getting to know you game"...but should you play that game on the internet?
game: think n sync
do you start your day with gratitude?  when was the last time you set "an intention" for the day?
retail experts say they have a reason for putting holiday items out early
game: mind the gap
game:  general trivia
is cash still king?
goodbye/fun facts....National Trivia Day. Our obsession for trivia has been part of popular culture for many decades and it’s easy to understand why. Most of us are naturally competitive and social beings and trivia blends the two perfectly. One of the first forms of what we know today as a trivia game debuted on the 1940s radio program “Take It or Leave It”. Not too long after this in 1964, “Jeopardy!” entered millions of Americans’ homes.. now games like america says, master minds and the chase fill our lives full of knowledge