would you like fast food restaurants to have a "fancy" section?
word of the day
6 year old trivia
things 10 years old should know how to do
this airplane feature might soon be going away
game: quiz
game: feud
if you won't let your dog sleep on your bed...would you consider a human/dog bed on the floor?
when was the last time you did something and realized you were really out of shape...
do you eat ice cream in the winter?
"goodbye/fun facts....Dust off your rubber ducky this winter because it’s National Bubble Bath Day. when was the last time you had a bubble bath? Most of us hop into the shower in the morning and zip off to start our day. We barely even take the time to eat breakfast, let alone spend an hour sitting in the tub getting prune fingers. in 1915 The jacuzzi is invented, making aerated baths for therapeutic use widespread...and in 1961 Mr. Bubble is created. Children find bubble baths fun and enjoy playing with the bubbles, which entice them to take their baths. if you're congested...try a bath...with some essential oils to feel better too
