when was the last time you laughed at the wrong time? (ashley's sfa)
word of the day
women are crabbier than men in the winter...but doing these things can help!
new crafts to try in 2024
game: guess that tv theme song
how long will you 'try to find something to watch' before you give up and do something else?
cool tech items from ces this year
game: totally 80's trivial pursuit
do you prefer just a plain gold wedding band or would you like a 'lord of the rings' it more manly?
game: outburst
goodbye/fun facts....International Thank-You Day...We often forget to say, “Thank you,” because we take it for granted or we assume that others know how we feel. The practice of sending messages to friends started to become popular in the 1400s when Europeans exchanged greeting cards with family members and friends. Expressions of gratitude not only come from the written word. The habit of always saying “thank you” started during the commercial revolution of the 16th and 17th Centuries. take notice today of how many times you thank someone...and how many times you are thanked.