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goodbye/fun facts....National Kettlebell Day celebrates the humble cast iron (or cast steel) ball known as the kettlebell. Resembling a cannonball with a handle, the kettlebell can be used for a variety of activities, including for sports, strength exercises,  While popular theory puts the origin of the kettlebell in Russia — because the word originated there, and they had the most visible use of this tool...Historians think the simple design of this instrument — it’s basically a weight with a top handle — means it could originally stem from any society that has used a strength tool, from the Highland Game athletes in Scotland to the Shaolin monks in China. european Farmers using these instruments as counterweights while measuring goods discovered the swing-and-press motion of the kettlebell was perfect for feats of strength. By the 1950s, in america...this new trend had almost vanished from all fitness centers and gyms, however, and would only come back years later. you can watch a few kettlebell workout videos online too