do you prefer to make everything from scratch for thanksgiving?  do you buy the 'dinners to go'? eat a hotel or buffet?
word of the day
game: would you rather
halloween candy...choking hazards
smells that most people don't like but you love
game: movie password
habits of super clean many of these do you do?
rolling stone's list of top 100 guitarists...who would you add?
game: mind the gap
what relatives do you always dread seeing at the holidays and why?
goodbye/fun facts....National Mashed Potato Day...the humble yet amazing potato...Cultures all over the globe use potatoes as a staple food or a popular accompaniment for other dishes. Human beings have been growing potatoes from as far back as 8000 B.C.  Throughout Europe, the potato became the most important new food in the 19th century because of three major advantages. It had a lower rate of spoilage, it was bulky so it easily satisfied hunger, and it was cheap. we eat tons (literally) 125,000 TONS of mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving alone!  There are many varieties too...instant, blue, carrot, mushroom...or just plain!