game: finish the song lyric
word of the day
what's the worst thing someone brought to your holiday potluck?
game: outburst
the 'forgotten five' toy hall of fame
do you plan on leaving an inheritance to your kids or spending it all while you're still here?
game:  just over $1,000 pyramid
ashley's daughter won't let her wear 'play on word' halloween costumes
great apps that are still free
have your kids ever locked you out of house/car?  funny story
goodbye/fun facts....Evaluate Your Life Day is all about self-evaluation and self-assessment, which involves assessing yourself in terms of what goals you’ve achieved. ... not for the purpose of self-judgment or criticism. it’s important to evaluate your life...even when faced with unpleasant aspects of life, to maintain a positive outlook. ask yourself if you are working as hard as you can...are you setting and achieving goals, are you utilizing your resources...evaluate your life through a lens of kindness. Take stock of the goals you’ve reached and those you still hope to accomplish...and  No matter what you’re going through in life, you are stronger than the person you were yesterday, so take time out to celebrate the little wins.