I’ve spent years trying to figure out a few things: 

How to never get sick How to stop a sickness in its tracks once it starts to come on How to recovery from a sickness quickly 

Whether or not you are fearful or dismissive of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the cultural uncertainty and panic is looming large.

There’s no better time than now to arm your immunity arsenal.

Here is my tried-and-true supplemental protocol for preventing sickness or radically reducing symptoms and cutting its duration:

Ionic Zinc Acetate


Oregano Oil 



Sleepy Tea 

Bone Broth


Vitamin C 

RESTORE (or Colostrum)

You can access full episode show notes, resources, and videos here:


If you are interested in the Crypto Acceleration program mentioned at [16:34], email [email protected] with the word "CRYPTO" in the subject line.

Stay safe out there.

Continue to skill-up.

Remember: we’re in this together; playfully practicing and always improving. Don’t let the coronavirus––or anything else––get you down for long, because you have music to make that no has ever heard.

And I’m standing by to hear it 🙂