Andy Diggle tells his brother that he was approached by Malcolm about a plan to break Darhk out of prison. Oliver and Diggle foil H.I.V.E.'s plan, but it turns out to be a ruse designed to let Malcolm and League followers invade the bunker and steal Darhk's idol. The team attempts to locate Malcolm, with Andy providing intel. Malcolm delivers the idol to Darhk, but it will not work because it is incomplete. Diggle reveals to Andy that he personally hid the missing piece in another location. Oliver does not trust Andy and confronts him; Diggle interrupts the interrogation and sides with his brother. Darhk orchestrates a prison riot, and the team sets out to stop him, with Andy joining them. However, when the team reaches Darhk, Andy turns on them and gives Darhk the missing piece to his idol. With his powers restored, Darhk stabs Laurel as revenge upon Captain Lance before escaping with Malcolm, Andy, and several inmates. Laurel later dies at the hospital. In flashbacks, Oliver helps the island prisoners escape and sets off a bomb to bury Reiter and keep him from leaving the tunnels.