Brie Larvan orchestrates her release from prison and travels to Star City in search of the bio-mechanical chip that is being used to allow Felicity to walk. Brie attacks Palmer Tech, holding the board hostage until Felicity turns herself over. Curtis tracks down Oliver's hideout, discovering his secret in the process, so that he can offer his help to the team to save Felicity, her mother, and Thea. The team arrives at Palmer Tech, but Oliver is stung by one of Brie's robotic bees. Back at the hideout, Curtis realizes the sting actually implanted a bee within Oliver and it is replicating itself. Laurel uses her Canary Cry to disrupt the frequency controlling the bees to save Oliver. Felicity is able to evacuate the board members, while Brie reveals she is after the chip because she has a tumor that is going to leave her paralyzed. Curtis develops a virus to shut down the bees, which works and uses them to stop Brie. In flashbacks, Oliver goes after Reiter who reveals that the idol has already started to grant him mystical powers. As his powers dwindle, Reiter escapes into the tunnels.