As the team mourns Laurel's death and tries to determine their next move against Darhk, there is a sighting of the Black Canary stopping an illegal weapons exchange. Oliver discovers that Laurel's sonic device is missing from her belongings from the hospital. The imposter turns out to be a H.I.V.E. prisoner named Evelyn Sharp whom Oliver left behind after he saved his team when they were kidnapped by Darhk, believing that she was with Darhk voluntarily. Captain Lance looks for a way to resurrect Laurel, even soliciting Nyssa al Ghul for help. Diggle, angry at being betrayed by Andy, goes after Darhk's wife, Ruvé Adams, but Oliver intervenes to prevent him from doing something he would regret. As a result, Ruvé uses her mayoral authority to issue arrest warrants for all vigilantes. Sharp goes after Ruvé publicly, but Oliver is able to talk her out of killing the Mayor. At Laurel's funeral, Oliver reveals Laurel as the Black Canary to preserve her image with the city. Afterwards, Oliver vows to kill Darhk. In flashbacks, Oliver and Laurel struggle to come to terms with Tommy Merlyn's death. In the end, Oliver leaves Laurel to cope on her own, and returns to the island of Lian Yu.