Bridget chats with Velocity chairs Inés Sombra (Fastly) and James Turnbull (Empatico).

Ines Sombra (Fastly) and James Turnbull (Empatico) are chairs of the Velocity conference series, which is celebrating its 10th year in 2017. They joined Bridget to talk about the events next month in New York and London, and share tips for making the most of your conference as well as submitting talks to future conferences.

The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change by Camille Fournier

Check outs

Launching new classroom collaboration project Empatico
Product-launch survival food Indomie Mi Goreng instant noodles
Bundle of Terraform and Packer books


Fastly Teams growing the EdgeApps services - ImageOpto, Video, Load Balancing
Recently got into Almond lattes (like a true Californian)


Bombsheller leggings - I just bought circuitboard ones, and I see also that they have Settlers of Catan ones. WANT.
Cloud Developer Advocates at Microsoft - I just joined this awesome team!

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Upcoming conferences

Use code “ADO2017” for 20% off at Velocity New York Oct 1-4.

Use code “ADO2017” for a discount on many devopsdays.

Open CFPs

lots of DevOpsDays

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