Most developers are familiar with two sources of data about their applications: 1) static code analysis, and 2) observability tools monitoring their system in production. However, a new data source is gaining popularity: Runtime analysis. Runtime analysis is a technique where an application's dynamic behavior is recorded and analyzed during development time, allowing flaws and other insights to be revealed before that code is deployed to production.

OWASP Top 10
Stripe: The developer coefficient (quantifies the cost of bad code to companies to be $59B annually)
Facebook: FAUSTA: Scaling Dynamic Analysis with Traffic Generation (how runtime analysis was used at WhatsApp to catch design flaws before they reached production)
Dragan Stepanović - Async code reviews are choking your company’s throughput (from LAS 2022, a talk which highlights the systemic problems with developers trying to do manual code reviews of large PRs)
AppMap, the runtime analysis company which Brian works for
Cloud Native Security with Michael Isbitski ADO Episode