Matt, Trevor, and Bridget chat with Kyle Kingsbury (Stripe) about his research on failure in distributed systems.

Matt, Trevor, and Bridget catch up with Kyle Kingsbury about his research on failure in distributed systems, lighting rigs controlled by code, consent and representation, and more.

Call Me Maybe: an exploration of failure in distributed systems using the Jepsen tool.

Monitorama 2015 talk on Riemann

Bridget announces that she’s joined Pivotal; Matt claims this is to diversify the podcast so it’s no longer Chef employee, Chef partner, Chef customer.

Community & Events

Lots of open CFPS on

Chef Community Summit is Oct 14 and 15 in Seattle. Matt & Trevor will be there.

Matt & Trevor: at DevOpsDays Chicago August 25 & 26!

Bridget: at VMWorld the first week in September.

Check Outs



Sense8 on Netflix
Bosh tutorial


Alphabet Announcement. Google pointing themselves towards the evil Silicon Valley “Hooli” company.
Dragonball Z Resurrection F
Herkimer NY, and herkimer diamonds


Amazon Echo
Helicarrier LEGO set

Twitter Mentions