It's been almost two years since we've talked about doing DevOps in Microsoft environments, so it's about time to do it again. And it's one of our largest panels yet!

DevOps Cafe w/ Jeffery Snover - Linux is docs based, Windows is API based

Check Outs

James Turnbull Terraform Book
Black Mirror - My latest show to binge watch


Infrastructure testing with Pester


Paramore, aka Brighter - My goto reference implementation for understanding how to write robust “microservices” that gives you options & Logging is the “new” debugging…
Phil Haack - Be the scientist


neo4j Graph database- Works on Windows too!

Free OReilly ebook on graphdatabases
Flow Perth create unique events in the technology community bringing skilled volunteers and not-for-profits together


I’m a big fan of GitKraken. I can actually do some useful things with Git without spending a couple hours reading man pages.
termeter - A Go app for “rendering” ascii graphs in the console.


Blue Raspberry Portable mic I’m looking at getting, tired of lugging the Yeti around (much like the 17” laptop I abandoned for my Surface)
Factorio - super fun collaboration game
pvpgn open source classic + Westwood server, got it running- trying to stand it up inside habitat now


Maybe weird to talk about Apple-only app on the Microsoft show, but I’m now enamored with Bear Writer - just a nice markdown notes thing.
I’m kind of obsessed with Golang now - the go Fundamentals Pluralsight course by Nigel Poulton was pretty dang rad

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