Bridget chats with Jez Humble (DORA) about continuous everything.

Bridget chats with Jez Humble (DORA) about continuous… everything!

Continuous Delivery - ADO Ep 15 - Jez’s previous ADO episode
DORA - DevOps Research and Assessment
Westrum model of organizational culture
The course website for Info 290M Lean/Agile Product Management, a three unit graduate class taught by Jez Humble at the UC Berkeley School of Information
Jobs at 18F - director job opening soon!

Check outs

Manjula’s Kitchen
Plutopia - Nuclear families, Atomic Cities and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters


Favorite food blog: Smitten Kitchen
New-to-me food blog: Mountain Mama Cooks
Great Electric American Roadtrip

Community & Event Stuff

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Upcoming conferences

Use code “ADO2017” for 20% off at Velocity New York Oct 1-4.

Bridget will be at Uptime in Pittsburgh this week.

Open CFPs

lots of DevOpsDays

Use code “ADO2017” for a discount on many devopsdays.