Oh no! You've been laid off. How can you bounce back? Jill Jubinski and Peter Burkholder help guide you through returning to the good fight of gainful employment.

Notes from 2016 DevOps Days DC session on DR for your career: http://e.devopsdaysdc.org/p/openspace-spades-A

Severance agreement timelines:
Employee Checklist: What to Do When Your Employer Offers You a Severance Agreement … Esp:
“If your employer has not given you a reasonable amount of time, or rushes your decision, this is a red flag…If you are being rushed, ask for more time [in writing]”

How to bounce back:
Let folks know - Mike Fiedler and Annie Hedgpeth had good examples on Twitter recently.

#cheffriends, I’m interested in working w/@Chef or #security in #DevOps #DevOpsSec remote or DFW. Would love your help!

— Annie Hedgpeth (@anniehedgie) June 30, 2016

Ok recruiters. I'm open to hearing from you now. Make it good, let's not waste each other's time.

— Mike Fiedler, Code Gardener (@mikefiedler) June 6, 2016

Use all your networks


Check Outs

Newly obsessed with this site (and not just because I’m being interviewed for it in a month or so) https://usesthis.com. Its super interesting to read about how people do their day to day activities from all different industry/skill backgrounds


Infinite Jukebox: http://labs.echonest.com/Uploader/index.html
My Job Went to India (was renamed in the 2nd edition to “The Passionate Programmer”) (Chad Fowler, 2009)
Fox in Socks, Dr. Seuss:


Jill’s epic Ignite at Monitorama
Curating the content you produce. Yes, I think everyone should set up their website like I do.
(see also http://www.devopsdays.org/events/2015-detroit/proposals/how-to-train-yourself/)


Arrested Westeros


DOOM E1M1 Cover - DOOM is fun

Further Listening

Want to dig deeper into some of the things we discussed today?
Check out these past episodes:

Building Your Personal Brand
Career DevOps

Twitter Mentions