Want to be a change agent inside your organization? Your "personal brand" is a critical factor in your success. Being considered relevant both inside and outside of your organization gives weight to your opinions and recommendations, and will directly influence the impact you have. Guests Andrea Javor (Beam Suntory) and Michael Hedgpeth (NCR) discuss methods on growing your brand, without self-aggrandizing boasts or claims of "thought leadership".

Empathy is CI For The Soul by David Shackelford

Community Stuff
Upcoming conferences

DevOpsDays Rockies April 21st - 22nd - ADO listeners, save 10% off regular price with the discount code ADO2016
DevOpsDays Atlanta April 26-27 - ADO listeneres, save 20% off regular price with discount code ADO2016
DevOpsDays Seattle May 12-13 - ADO listeners, get 15% off with the discount code ADO2016

Open CFPs

DOD Vancouver and MSP CFP and Abstractions open until March 31
DOD Washington DC open until April 15
DOD Salt Lake City open until April 19
DOD Amsterdam open until May 30
CFP for That Conference Opens March 1- 31

Check Outs

Maker’s Mark whisky
How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination by Sally Hogshead
Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business by Danny Meyer
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo


Branding Pays - a great book about personal branding
Mr Money Mustache - frugality
You Need a Budget - budgeting


Venture Brothers Season 6
WMF 5.0 RTM again
Hangops Slack


How Google Works
Visual Studio Code
The Newsroom on HBO GO, Amazon Prime
Someone tell me how to use OmniGraffle (future checkout?)