Previous Episode: Devopsdays Chicago 2020
Next Episode: 2020 Year-End Wrap-Up

Tim Banks joins Matt for a blunt discussion about how to break down gates and barriers in tech. Also, chili is discussed, in depth.

Texas Chili Parlor in Austin
Chili John’s - the chili place Matt’s friend brought him to in California
Gatekeeping and the DevOps Revolution: We Haven’t Always Known Everything - Kat Cosgrove at All Day DevOps 2020
Lending Privilege - Anjuan Simmons

Senior + Principal folks: Is your resume contained to one page or do you opt for longer to encompass all your experience?

I’m in a debate and I need your input.

— emily freeman (@editingemily) November 10, 2020

Shout-out to Matt’s friend Marcelo for the link for Chili John’s (and for taking Matt there so many years ago)

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