Previous Episode: Minimalism!
Next Episode: Money Changes!

It is officially season 3 guys! And this season we want to focus on the most constant thing in this world. Change is always going to happen. And the older we get, we tend to become more and more uncomfortable with it. Why is change so scary for us? Why do we try to avoid it like the plague? When we should really be embracing it for what it is.

Right now we are living through a time of extreme change. The coranavirus has come and completely flipped our lives upside down. And the fear of what's to come after it's done its job and disappears is even scarier.

Change is inevitable. And it's important to learn the best way to deal with changes, especially these kind of changes, because the reality is that it's going to keep happening weather we like it or not. Now more than ever is a time to focus on that. Which is why we want to dedicate season 3 solely to changes us adults have to face, and ways we can accept them for what they are and still have control over our lives.

We also touch base on how much the pandemic has been affecting us and the world. This is something we are also going to keep updating the fam with during this season. Remember guys, it has to get worse before it gets better. So lets all pour ourselves a glass of wine, press play on the show and social distance the right way. We're glad to be here with you all. 

And make sure to tune in after the show for our 5 min wine down to hear how the coronavirus is taking over our lives! We're super excited to share it with the fam!!

Oh hey! And don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to join our Adult Family!

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @areweadultingyetpodcast and use the hashtag #TASKAWAY to let us know what you think. Or if you have suggestions of any future tasks you want us to try to wipe off the map, feel free to comment or DM, or email us!

Also, we are currently taking any suggestions for any future guest appearances on the show. So if you feel like you or someone you know may be a good fit for the show, HIT US UP!
[email protected]

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