Should you turn down business? So, you’ve been having a lot of business and feeling a little overwhelmed and don’t know whether it’s a good idea to say no or yes to that new business, right? The simple answer is, if you’re thinking about it, then you should do it.

In this episode, April discusses when and why you should turn down business as a new business owner. Listen in to learn how your limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset is stopping you from growing your business.  

What you will learn in this episode:

[1:59] How your limiting beliefs and old practices hold you back and can lead to burnout when you keep saying YES to every client as a solopreneur. [4:30] Turning down business is a sign of business growth. Avoid clients that are not a right fit for you or refer them to others who can handle them. [7:02] Fire a client. The secret to firing a client is doing it when you start thinking about it when your set expectations are not met. [10:01] If you’re feeling the need not to take on business, then turn it down. 

Show notes Quotes:

“When you’re growing your business, one of the signs of growth is turning down business.” [4:30] “Fear is keeping you from making the right decision for your business.” [7:30] “Do not let yourself un-fire to keep someone else warm.” [8:18] “It is our responsibility to communicate our needs and set expectations.” [9:07]

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