The elusive morning routine- we are giving you a simple morning routine that has worked for millions. April recaps the 6 Steps of the SAVERS morning routine from Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs by Hal Elrod and Cameron Herold. She also shares her personal morning routine kettlebells and affirmations too.

What you will learn in this episode:

Why is a Morning Routine so important?  How to create a 6 minutes morning routine that will change your life A simple SAVERS method from Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs

SAVERS Morning Routine

S- Silence

A- Affirmations






Never decide in the morning what you are doing. Reduce the friction for the good habit. It doesn’t have to be my morning routine, Hal Elrod, Robin Sharma’s- it’s got to be YOURs. There are some things that are directly correlated with success, yes—but if you hate your morning- then you are doing something wrong! if your morning was utter chaos, it makes your day feel chaos. There is a better way. If you have kids—do yourself and them a favor and get up before them.


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