Our guest is Armando Lanuti, President of Creative Works, creators of immersive attractions for the location-based entertainment industry.  

Armando talks through some of the big challenges his company is facing and how we can all move forward in changing times.
Find out more: www.thewoweffect.com

(*Highlight timestamps are approx. based off either raw videos- see here https://www.pivot-me.com/interviews/ or podcast audio only)


Assume Positive Intent   (23:12) Businesses need to make cleanliness part of the show(30:20) Use an Entre-leadership reporting tool (or something similar) to check in with your team. Be intentional and specific with your questions. (36:21) Open and share Audible accounts with staff- focus this time on education and self-improvement. (38:38) If I need to micromanage my staff, then I made the wrong decision during the hiring process. (47:44) “Responsible Freedom” (50:17) Decompression, not Distraction. Reach for something that decompresses you, not distracts you. How do you know the difference? How do you feel after?  Better?  The same?   (57:07)

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