Discover the types of ad creatives that the top non-gaming mobile advertisers are using and how you can leverage the insights to run mobile paid marketing profitably at scale.

You will discover the top ad creatives by category and what types of ads are driving the lowest cost-per-install.

SocialPeta covers 80+ global ad networks across 70 countries and regions, including Unity, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Tik Tok. They have accumulated 1B ad creatives, updating 1.2 M+ ad creatives on a daily basis. 

With SocialPeta, you can gain insight into your competitors' advertising data. Also, you will be informed of and inspired by advertising data of different dimensions from global networks, media and advertisers.

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Helpshift offers the easiest way to collect user feedback, report bugs, and more without users ever having to leave your app. You can even have a customizable Help Center and unlimited FAQs. 

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Tired of overpaying for App Store Optimization? Get unlimited ASO and app marketing support to increase your keyword rankings, downloads, and revenue. Learn more at ASO Masters.


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