Get up to $2M of funding for full scale development, deployment and marketing. We know how hard it may be to get funding for your apps and games.   

This is why GamesBoost42 built a framework that can quickly give you access to the capital you need. You retain your ownership rights and the freedom to build the apps and games you want, and Gamesboost42 provides you with funding so that you can develop your app on your terms.  

Today's guest is Andrew Postnikov, Chief Business Development Officer at GamesBoost42.  

Topics Covered:

01:23 - Difference between GamesBoost42 and traditional investors
08:50 - How does GamesBoost42 work - do I give up profits or equity?
11:48 - How publishing works with GamesBoost42
17:45 - Dad joke #1
18:24 - DrinkDrama App Audit
27:07 - What happens when the relationship between developer and GamesBoost42 ends?
35:26 - GamesBoost42 analytics
39:32 - Drumschool App Audit
48:35 - Battlexic App Audit
57:03- What's the  to work with GamesBoost42?


GamesBoost42 helps you increase your revenue and grow faster without investors and publishers. Get access to your App Store revenues faster and keep 100% control of your company! Learn more at is the app development firm dedicated to helping entrepreneurs go from app idea to success because they understand startups and don’t charge you huge fees just to get your app off the ground. Learn more at


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