Today's guest is an indie iOS developer success story and creator of Countdown for Disney Vacatio‪n. You will discover how he increased his revenue by increasing his in-app purchase price and the #1 source of all his sales.

Nick Bonatsakis is an accomplished software consultant with over a decade of experience working on everything from scalable full-stack web applications to award-winning mobile apps.

Countdown for Disney Vacatio‪n:

Topics Covered:

02:51 - How Nick 5X his revenues  
05:01 - Where he converts over 50% of his users
06:57 - How adding the word "free" to his pricing page increased conversions
08:48 - The sharing feature that gets the most downloads
12:03 - How he's getting 50 email subscribers a week
14:23 - How to leverage Apps Gone Free campaign with rewarded videos
21:48 - Spontaneous App Audit
33:06 - Division Calculator App Audit
41:00 - Should you give credit to contributors of the app? And where?
43:42 - Aspire App Audit

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