Today's guest is Martin Lancee, the Head of Consumer Growth at LinkedIn. At LinkedIn, Martin is responsible for (1) developing and executing the company's strategy to accelerate mobile growth, (2) liaison between LinkedIn and Apple/Google for app store and BD opportunities, and (3) driving new integrations via product partnerships.

You will discover:

- Where to put your attention when it comes to growth at a big company

- How he got buy in from all parties to move forward with a preload strategy

- How to get started with a preload (on-device) strategy

- How he overcome being a professional app for a preload campaign

- How to get started with a preload strategy as a start-up

- How to calculate ROI for preloads

- Why Preloads pay per install did NOT work

- What GEOs are best for preloads

Martin Lancee is the Head of Consumer Growth at LinkedIn.

Show Mentions

- Digital Turbine

- IronSource

- Digital Turbine Episode

- Singular

- Fav app: LinkedIn Learning


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