“The #1 responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” 

How do you control your thoughts, decisions, and actions during a time of crisis? In EPISODE 50, guest Jason Stoughton joins us to talk about personal development and the steps you can take to provide clarity during difficult times. With easy tips and valuable insight, this is an episode you won’t want to miss! 

:56 – Meet Jason – International speaker, coach & trainer in value-based leadership and personal development  2:39 – We all have a unique story – once we step inside our story and decide to own it we no longer have to stand outside of it and struggle for our worthiness  2:58 – Jason’s story – grew up in a toxic environment and believed he was the problem.  Contemplating suicide when he heard a message of hope that helped him to see life differently. 4:18 – Rather than letting circumstances define us, they should refine us  4:41 – To change your circumstances you have to first change yourself 5:20 – A house of mirrors – life can be distorted when your focusing on the wrong things 5:45 – Importance of intentional growth and proper focus 6:47 – We all battle distractions – as leaders we have to have the right context 7:25 – John Maxwell’s definition of a crisis – an intense time of difficulty requiring a decision that will ultimately become a turning point. 8:00 – Like all crises, they will pass – as leaders just need to stay strong and steady 8:27 – As adults, we get set in our ways and tend to lose focus, which results in 3 things 8:44 – First, mind wandering – focusing on what could happen instead of what is happening 9:27 – Second, negative thinking – everything that could go wrong is/will go wrong 9:36 – Third, uncertain anxiety – fear of the unknown 10:57 – Start with clarity – be visible and present  11:54 – Communicate from a position of awareness 12:40 – Hope is an active virtue 13:52 – Take the initiative – ask the question “Have you thought about this?” 15:33 – Assessment tools (DISC) – understanding how we are wired and the differences in human behavior 18:11 – Focus on ourselves and identify what we can do better 18:28 – ACT – A(apply) C(change) T(teach) 19:18 – Creating a leadership culture – test, fail, learn, improve 20:02 – D style learner – focus on controlling environment and achievement 20:48 – I style learner – cheerleader 21:18 – S style learner – supporting 21:46 – C style learner – committed to the bottom line 22:18 – Relationships are the foundation to success

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