Previous Episode: Only One Race!
Next Episode: We Need the Gospel

Because all have sinned, anyone can be a racist! Prejudice and partiality aren’t sins that only some people can commit—anyone can sin.

This is Ken Ham, author of the eye-opening book Six Days and Church Compromise.

Yesterday, we learned that critical race theory teaches that what’s on the outside—our shade of skin—is really all that matters. Those with light skin just can’t help being racist and those with dark skin can’t be racist.

But the Bible teaches that racism isn’t ultimately about skin shade—it’s about our sinful hearts! Because all have sinned, anyone can be a racist! Prejudice and partiality aren’t sins that only some people can commit—anyone can sin against the Lord—and others—in this way.

Every person has the same ultimate problem: sin! And we all have the same ultimate solution, the Lord Jesus, who died for our sins.

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How the Gospel, Not Evolution, Can Solve Society’s Problems Skin or Sin?