The Bible teaches we’re all descended from Adam, so we’re all one race. And science confirms this!

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to God’s Word and the gospel.

Critical race theory, or CRT, is taking over the culture. But what is it? Well, it’s the belief that racism is part of the air we breathe and those who are part of the “white” race can’t escape being racist—it’s part of who they are.

But right there we have a problem because there’s only one race! The Bible teaches we’re all descended from Adam, so we’re all one race. And science confirms this!

The differences between people groups are very minor—they make up just a fraction of our DNA. Yet CRT says what you look like on the outside is all that matters. But that’s not what the Bible teaches! God looks, not on the outside, but on the heart.

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