Many so-called “progressive Christians” today claim the message that Jesus died in the place of sinners is anything but “good news.”

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis.

Many so-called “progressive Christians” today claim the message that Jesus died in the place of sinners is anything but “good news.” They say that God pouring out his wrath on his son would be “cosmic child abuse.”

But they just make a strawman of God with this thinking.

First, sin deserves punishment. God wouldn’t be just or good if he let guilty lawbreakers go free. It was out of his deep love for us that he gave his only son in our place, punishing him so that we might have eternal life.

Second, punishment and abuse are not the same thing. Jesus took the just punishment for sin—death—upon himself willingly!

That’s the good news!

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Why Do We Get Punished for What Adam Did? What Does Jesus’ Death Accomplish?