So-called “progressive Christians” often treat Jesus like the first “social justice warrior.” But is that really what he came to do?

This is Ken Ham, and we’ve built a full-size Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati.

So-called “progressive Christians” often treat Jesus like the first “social justice warrior.” They say he came to end oppression, free the poor, love the outcast, and heal the sick. But is that really what he came to do?

Well, read the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus is very clear about his message and it wasn’t a message of freedom from human oppression. It was freedom from sin, by repenting and believing in him.

Yes, Jesus healed some of the sick in fulfillment of prophecy. But ultimately, he died for our deadly sins.

Jesus loved outcasts enough to urge them to repent.

Jesus wasn’t a social justice warrior! He was the sacrifice God requires.

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Should We Sacrifice the Gospel on the Altar of Social Justice? From Genesis to the Gospel