When Jesus spent time with “tax collectors and sinners,” was he giving his stamp of approval on their behavior?

This is Ken Ham, with a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world—and the church.

This week, we’re seeing that the so-called “progressive Christian Jesus” isn’t the real Jesus.

Progressives borrow some true elements of Jesus from the Scriptures but twist them. For example, they love to emphasize how Jesus spent time with outcasts. Then they say, he’d do the same today and approve of their behaviors. And they usually say the outcasts of today are LGBT people.

But when Jesus spent time with “tax collectors and sinners,” was he giving his stamp of approval on their behavior? No! When he was asked why he ate with them, he said, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Yes, he ate with them to urge them to turn from their sin!

Dig Deeper

A Church Promotes Tolerance over the Gospel for Homosexual and Transgender People? Pro-Gay Theology: Does the Bible Approve of Homosexuality?