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Many Christians say that critical race theory, or CRT, is a tool to address racism. But it’s actually an “anti” gospel.

This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati.

Many Christians say that critical race theory, or CRT, is a tool to address racism. But it’s actually an “anti” gospel.

You see, according to CRT, today’s problems are because of whiteness, white privilege, white supremacy, and even white fragility. In this view, the new original sin is racism, but only some people—really, those with light skin—are “sinners.”

So, it has the wrong view of sin.

Also, some CRT followers have the wrong view of salvation. It’s a works-based religion—you must continually do the work of anti-racism to be “saved.”

That’s not the gospel! Sinners need to repent and trust Christ!

Dig Deeper

Three Biblical Problems with Critical Race Theory What “Black and White” Twins Teach Us About Supposed “Race”