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When I talk about marriage, I always refer to “biblical” marriage. Now, others say “traditional marriage” … or “traditional family values.” Why don’t I?

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on the Bible’s reliability … and authority.

When I talk about marriage, I always refer to “biblical” marriage. Now, others say “traditional marriage” … or “traditional family values.” Why don’t I?

Well, because what is “traditional” is arbitrary. It’s based on man’s ideas … and what’s popular at the time. Traditions come and go. They change.

But what’s biblical doesn’t change. God says his Word is established forever. It will never pass away. When we start our thinking on God’s Word, we have a sure foundation that doesn’t change with each generation.

Standing for marriage as one man for one woman—for life—isn’t about preserving some tradition. It’s about morality: will we obey God, or man?

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2.4 The Origin of Marriage (OB4) What About Polygamy in the Bible?