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Christians are starting with ideas from outside Scripture. When we reinterpret God’s clear words in light of the ideas of fallible man, God’s Word is no longer our authority.

This is Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter.

Christians have different views on baptism, end times, tongues, and more. Are different views on Genesis the same thing? Well, not at all.

You see, the differences on baptism, end times, and tongues are largely differences of Bible interpretation. Christians are starting with Scripture … and largely stay within Scripture.

But with different views on Genesis, Christians are starting with ideas from outside Scripture. When we reinterpret God’s clear words in light of the ideas of fallible man, God’s Word is no longer our authority. Instead, man is the authority.

So, it’s not a battle of interpretation. It’s a battle over authority! God, or man?

Dig Deeper

What Does Genesis Mean? Other “Interpretations” of Genesis