These “Lazarus bacteria” are a challenge for evolutionists—but not for creationists. The salts these bacteria were found in were likely laid down during Noah’s flood.

This is Ken Ham, a publisher of the apologetics, award-winning family magazine Answers.

Twenty years ago, scientists discovered bacteria in a salt crystal. Now these supposed two-hundred-fifty-million-year-old bacteria were then “resurrected.” To their complete surprise, the scientists observed that bacteria’s DNA looked almost identical to bacteria today. Two-hundred-fifty-million years of … no evolution? And how could DNA survive that long anyway?

These “Lazarus bacteria” are a challenge for evolutionists—but not for creationists. The salts these bacteria were found in were likely laid down during Noah’s flood. That was only a few thousand years ago.

It’s no shock to creationists!

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Evidence for a Young Earth and Creation Responding to Matt Walsh on Young-Earth Creation