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God has given parents a big job, and there’s no job more important than discipling your children in the Lord.

This is Ken Ham, on a mission to call the church back to the authority of God’s Word.

Yesterday we learned the government doesn’t own children—God gave children to parents so they can raise them in accord with the principles he’s laid down for us in his Word.

Parents, take this responsibility seriously! God has given you a big job, and there’s no job more important than discipling your children in the Lord.

If you aren’t thoughtfully and intentionally parenting in the Lord, I urge you to do this: sit down with your spouse and discuss your game plan as a family. Talk about how you can be purposeful about this job.

As our world gets darker, it’s more vital than ever that you and your spouse be purposeful in how you raise your children.

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Where Parenting Begins A Father’s Parenting Formula